The main legislation regulating Cadastral Law in our country is the Cadastral Law No. 3402. Cadastral Law is a branch of law that concerns the owners of land without title deeds and the public. The purpose of cadastre is to create a land registry, to connect immovable properties to the map and to create a cadastral topographical map of our country and to record the ownership of immovable property under state security.
During the cadastral, i.e. land registry process, the dimensions and boundaries of the land and who is the rightful owner are determined. Due to the fact that cadastral works and procedures are still not completed in our country, it is constantly the subject of litigation.
During the cadastral process, the right holder must be present and provide all kinds of evidence that the land belongs to him/her. If the cadastral officers are of the opposite opinion, they must object to the cadastral determination. Due to the high economic value of the identified areas, the losses are equally large if no objection is made.
With the cadastral survey, lands that have been used without title deeds for many years become titled lands subject to private ownership. In practice, it is frequently encountered that the rights of the original land owners, who were not present during the cadastral survey, are violated and title deeds are registered in the name of other persons. An objection and/or lawsuit should be filed against the cadastral transactions carried out in this way, as soon as they are learned, before the statutory period of limitation expires.
Fethiye Law Office and Mediation Center, with its experienced lawyers, provides consultancy services and legal support to its clients in the field of Cadastral Law. The services we provide in this context;
- Objection procedures to cadastral determination,
- Cases of objection to cadastral determination,
- Title deed cancellation and registration cases after cadastral determination,
- All kinds of consultancy services related to cadastral operations.